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Installing Tridion 2013 SP 1 on Hyper-V

I recently needed to install Tridion on Hyper-V. To do so I found a great series of blog posts on the Tridion website. The series starts with setting up a VM image instead of a Hyper-V. Really there is no difference (you install the OS on the image). One issue I did run into with Hyper-V though was my local network started to run a bit slower. I did some digging and found out it was because when the network bridge was setup for the Hyper-V image the priority order of the adapters put the Hyper-V image first. IT Writing has a great blog post on how to fix this.

Once you have Hyper-V ready you can follow the post step for step to get everything installed. I needed once change in that I already had a Content Management database setup. I wanted to move my database from production down into this Hyper-V instance so I did not need to setup the database from scratch.Here is what I did and a few of the tweaks I needed to make.

After installing I would try and open up the Tridion CM website. However, my login always failed. Looking into the event viewer’s security log I found the following:

An account failed to log on.

    Security ID:        NULL SID
    Account Name:        -
    Account Domain:        -
    Logon ID:        0x0

Logon Type:            3

Account For Which Logon Failed:
    Security ID:        NULL SID
    Account Name:        MTSUser
    Account Domain:        WIN-M3213T5Q594

Failure Information:
    Failure Reason:        An Error occured during Logon.
    Status:            0xC000006D
    Sub Status:        0x0

Since the Hyper-V image was running outside of a domain controller I did some digging and found a Microsoft KB article that fixed the issues. My resolution was method 1.

The other thing I had to do was update the Trustees table in the Content Manager database. Keep in mind that I am restoring an existing database. That existing one is on a domain controller so the MTSUser account that was created was linked to a different domain. So in the Trustees table find your MTSUser and in the name column update the domain part of the domain to whatever your Hyper-V’s machine name is (<machine name>\MTSUser). This assumes that during your install you said your system account was MTSUser.

After these steps I was able to login and all was good.


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